Saturday 12 November.

Bright, sunny morning full of the promise of summer. The grass has that late spring bounce and that quality of green that will fade once the long, hot summer sets in. Today it is studded with small white round seedheads that look like crystal earrings, and some yellow ones, little happy parasols of the wild plant world.

Mid-morning Violet arrives. A guinea pig apparently of the Coronet type, she has long hair of rich vanilla with caramel ends. She looks like a society matron in a fur coat, the latter part of which simile is, of course, literally true.

Violet attracts interest from Mullet and Vegemite, the two resident guinea pigs whose names and appearance suggest a lower caste when compared to Violet's regal bearing. They could be a pair of London barrow boys.

Violet holds her dignity and Vegemite appears to take the role of consort, sending Mullet outside while he takes up residence in the royal box with the furry one. There are two boxes, but Mullet remains out of doors most of the afternoon.

Later, Violet is granted her own quarters for the night, out of reach of the cockney twins.
